Remember a couple of years ago when this picture of actress Helen Mirren surfaced? Hot damn! She’s 67 friggin years old!
Badass Mirren is back in the news. I just read an article where she says that if she had a daughter the first thing she would have taught her to say was “Fuck Off!” What do I say about that? FUCK YEAH!
Of course, I have a boy and he makes it abundantly clear that he has no problem asserting himself. Strong men are welcomed and admired in our world so this will serve him well in life (it’s killing me now, but that’s another story). But Madame Mirren reminded me that as women it is crucial that we assert ourselves too! We have little ones who are watching us and learning how to let people treat them by our example! Imagine your kid on a therapist’s couch saying, “I don’t think I deserve any better because my mom was a doormat and that’s all I know.” Isn’t that is a horrible thought? There are a host of other reasons my kid will need therapy. Having a passive mother will not be one of them 🙂
I know we aren’t still in the 1950’s but we have more work to do, and I don’t mean housework. So never be afraid to set some inappropriate fool straight. No, I ain’t fetching your coffee, picking up your dry cleaning or cooking your pot pie, unless I want to (but you better make sure the tires have air in them and the sink ain’t clogged in return).
Theoretical balls are a glorious thing! You get the perks of assertiveness, confidence, and entitlement without the disadvantage of deflated sacs loitering between your legs. Let’s get real, those things are OFFENSIVE.
With a gaggle of awards, the title of Dame and a figure like that in her LATE 60’s I’m inclined to heed Helen’s advice.Now excuse me while I tell someone to FUCK OFF.