It’s true. Kids say the dardest things. My love nugget has ZERO filter and often busts out with some random gems. Just imagine a 3 year old saying this stuff. He so cray!
Here are some of my favorites:
1. “Mommy!! Mommy!! My penis looks like an army guy.” Yeah, I guess he’s right. Just please wait a while before you unload any ammo.
2. “I wanna wear big underpants like you Mama.” Excuuuuse me? He got a time-out for that one. Punk.
3.”Where’s your meemee? Where did it go??!!” He was so confused because I didn’t have a penis. I told him I tucked.
4. “No dancing! NOOOOO!!!!” He actually gets angry sometimes! If he says this now imagine how he’s going to feel when I’m cutting a rug at his school dance. It’s a good thing I have mad skillz.
5. “Aminals are my friends and I don’t eat my friends.” Hells yeah I force that one down his throat (and yes, it’s AMinals).He’ll understand it at some point. In the meantime I just like hearing it 🙂
6. While taking a walk a neighbor said, “Well good morning to you!” to which Zekey replied: “And Happy Birthday to you!” Oookkaaayyy.
7. First he named our cat House Guy. Then he changed it to Race Car. She now goes by Race Car-House Guy. WTH??
8. He farted, “caught” it in his hand and pretended to give it to me, proclaiming “Here Mommy. I made you a pumpkin.” Thank you?
9. I wasn’t privy to this one but it bears repeating. He said to his dad, “Daddy, you have big balls. Not me. I have gumballs.” Sure kid. You keep telling yourself that.
10.What historical figure’s birthday do we celebrate on Christmas Day? Cheez-it! Yup. That’s right. Not Jesus. Nah, Zekey calls him CHEEZ-IT.
11. Speaking of cheese, I asked him if he wanted a grilled cheese and he exclaimed, “Nooo! I don’t want GIRLS’S CHEESE. I’m a BOY!” So I made him a peanut butter and jelly.
12. And my personal favorite. “Mommy, you’re a good woman.” You betta recognize! Not every Mom is going to let you wear this to the park.
Dang, I love this little twit.
What about your kids? I’m sure they have said some zingers too! Let’s hear ’em!
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“Mommy don’t eat cheese… but Mommy should cheese because cheese is SO goooood.”
I’m not a mom to a human, but I did say some weird things as a child. My mom keeps a book of quotes I’ve said over the years. I’m really glad she did. One of my faves is “Mommy, I will make the decisions in my life and you will make the decisions in yours.” I was 3 years old. I haven’t changed much since then.
Ha! Yeah, sounds about right.
“When I get bigger and BIGGER I will have a big meemee too… right Daddy?”
…noticing a theme a meemee/size theme. I hope this is not an indicator of future “problems” for him/us.
A bit redundant… but one of my favorites:
Z: “Daddy can I have a bite of your cheeseburger?”
Me: “No you can’t have a bite because my cheeseburger has meat on it it.”
Z: “Oh yeah… and meat is aminyals. I don’t eat aminyals. I love aminyals.”
Avi and I were surprised not to see the “where his balls?” quote. Btw, this post had us dying on the drive from Portland to Seattle.