Dear Mom, Like so many moms, you did the job of both parents. You are the one who bought toothpaste, toilet paper, and school supplies. You arranged for play dates, hosted slumber parties, baked every birthday cake I ever had, … Continue reading
Dear Mom, Like so many moms, you did the job of both parents. You are the one who bought toothpaste, toilet paper, and school supplies. You arranged for play dates, hosted slumber parties, baked every birthday cake I ever had, … Continue reading
I’m tired of my crap life. All I do is think of things I want to do, plan to do them, and then fail to even start. I swear to god I am about to quit writing this. That’s how … Continue reading
Before I had Zeke I had noble ideas about how I would raise a child. Bilingual schools, master a musical instrument by the age of 5, he’d debrief me on the New York Times headlines before we left for kindergarden and most importanly, NO TELEVISION ever. … Continue reading
It’s true. Kids say the dardest things. My love nugget has ZERO filter and often busts out with some random gems. Just imagine a 3 year old saying this stuff. He so cray! Here are some of my favorites: 1. … Continue reading