It’s Tuesday, Suckas. Ready for another 7 day challenge? I had some people running their mouth last week about doing this and that and that and this. Where are you? Do you have your challenge dialed in? If you … Continue reading
It’s Tuesday, Suckas. Ready for another 7 day challenge? I had some people running their mouth last week about doing this and that and that and this. Where are you? Do you have your challenge dialed in? If you … Continue reading
I’m tired of my crap life. All I do is think of things I want to do, plan to do them, and then fail to even start. I swear to god I am about to quit writing this. That’s how … Continue reading
Lasagna with Roasted Cauliflower Ricotta & Spinach This lasagna, adapted from Isa Chandra’s “Appetite for Reduction” is the best thing in the world-and I’ve NEVER said that :). But for sers, it’s delicious. It’s my Rocket Queen, My Michelle, … Continue reading
Spring has sprung and whether that means wearing sassy spaghetti strap dresses while strolling along the French Rivera (Note to self: get on that Kickstarter) or just getting your pasty mug away from your computer at lunchtime, sho ‘nuff, more … Continue reading
I saw Purple Rain in the theater on opening night, July 27, 1984. I was 12. Prince’s sexiness freaked me out and drew me in. I STILL recall how I felt when I saw the sex scene with Appolonia! Remember … Continue reading
Can you get a better nail polish bottle? C’mon now. Whacky colors and nail stickers are all the rage these days and one way to stand out is to make your bottle into the shape of a butt. Works for … Continue reading
So I’m wandering around by myself at the Natural Products Expo last weekend and everyone and their mother is passing out food samples. Most of the vegan eats I tried were of the savory variety but my sweet tooth is … Continue reading
Everyday with Zeke brings uncertainties. Will he throw a fit when I drop him off at preschool, leaving me with dreaded guilt for the entire day? Will he eat his breakfast of organic steel cut oats (that I paid too … Continue reading
Lately, beauty bloggers have been abuzz about a proposal that would REQUIRE cosmetics to be tested on animals in the U.S. (Companies are NOT currently required to do this and using animals is COMPLETELY unnecessary. You can read my previous blog about that here.) This is … Continue reading
Me in the kitchen is like Oprah on a diet. I’ll go for it sometimes but it’s usually a disaster. Of course there are those rare occasions when we are both met with “aha moments” and reach our fullest potential, as … Continue reading