It’s Tuesday, Suckas. Ready for another 7 day challenge? I had some people running their mouth last week about doing this and that and that and this. Where are you? Do you have your challenge dialed in? If you feel like you’re a mess and don’t know where to start, WRITE IT DOWN. I swear to god I have started so many projects and gone on so many diets but they never stick if I don’t hold myself accountable and write down my plan (or type it down, I suppose). Like the great Dr. Phil said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Dayum, he’s brilliant.
How did I do on my first 7 day challenge you ask? I owned it. That’s right. My lazy, procrastinating, too busy to do anything, tired ass found time to exercise 7 days in a row. Today is day 7 and I just got back from a cage fight with an elliptical machine. Guess what? I won. TKO. Granted, I had Parliament Funkadelic queued up so that thing never stood a chance. And yes, I’m one of those people who, when feeling a deep groove at the gym, will not hesitate to bust a move on a machine. Sorry Zeke, for your future full of embarrassment. At least I got soul (they don’t call me White Chocolate for nothing).
I don’t feel any different physically, but I didn’t really expect too. I wanted to prove to myself that myself lies to myself. I WAS FULL OF SHIT. I can find time to exercise if I really want to. BAM. Lesson learned. I am not going to continue working out 7 days a week (even the Lawd had to sit one out) but my basket case status did drop a notch or two. Because of that, going forward I will exercise a minimum of 4 days a week. BAM. Wrote Typed it down.
Next one, starting today, is that I am going to pay attention to what I eat and keep track of it all. I’m not on a diet, I just want to pay more attention to my intake. I imagine that seeing it will cause me to A. cry and eat less or B. cry and eat more. Can’t wait to find out which one!
Come on, guys. If I can do it, you can do it-Whatever IT is.