Last Monday it was my night off from pick-up. “Party time!!!” you say? Hells to the yeah, if that means I finally get to stop at Target on the way home from work. I need paper towels, cat litter and tampons. Eh, what the heck. I’ll probably throw in an O Magazine while I’m in line. Always gotta find out how to live my best life! (Side note: Screw you, Oprah and your 1 million square feet guest houses. I hate myself for loving you.)
Before I can self loathe, I grab one of those little double-decker carts. You know the ones-they make you think you’ll buy less when actually you end up with mountains of crap spilling over the sides.
I nestle The Gronz into his seat and on my way to start tampon price comparing I am stopped in my tracks by all the fabulous faux leather jackets in Junior department! Holy moly!
I tried on this gem and was sold on the spot. Super soft, fabulously flattering and oh so sassy! People are constantly complimenting me -especially when I am wearing it ;).
With its puff sleeves and tapered waist it’s smokin’ hot and super hip.This particular beauty also comes in a variety of colors and you know what? The red is so cute that I am going to buy it right now! No joke. They are only $39.99 and I’m abouts to fill up my virtual pygmy cart! Cha-ching!
Me loves something that doesn’t make me look like a mom, know what I’m sayin? Enough with the yoga pants and XL t-shirts. Even with constant poopie diapers, finger puppet theater and globs of playdoh stuck in my hair, I refuse to relinquish my coolness. I am a ROCKER, hear me roar.
Aside from how totally cute these are, you gotta love wearing a sexy and styling jacket that wasn’t attached to a helpless calf at some point. The poor cows are often skinned and dismembered while still alive and then we wear THEIR SKIN? I don’t know about you, but I consider myself a bit more civilized than Jame Gumb. No lotion in the basket over here.It’s 2012 Ladies. Pleather Tuscadero is in the house.
And that’s faux realz.