My hair is a mess. I color it, blowdry it, straighten it and it always looks like I put it through a paper shredder. I don’t like super perfume-y products and it seems like the hair industry has gone totally overboard with fragrance. Tropical island sunset pina colada, lavender mint jullup, Pacific Ocean mist with a touch of fish oil for frizz control. What is up with this junk? The overdose of nasty ingredients has me looking like Bret Micheals in the 80’s
and headed for Bret Micheals today:
What’s a platinum blonde to do?
Coconut oil to the rescue!! Everyone’s been talking about how coconut oil is so friggin fantastic that it will reverse aging, aid in weight-loss, lower the risk of heart disease, etc. Hell, it can probably cure AIDS.
On a whim, I grabbed some from the pantry, scooped out about 1/3 of the jar and went to town on my train wreck of a ‘do. Lo and behold, the Desert Storm that is my hair soaked that shizzle right up and after about 40 mins I easily shampooed it out.
Cut to: curtains open, harps play and angels fly over head.
Here’s the scoop:
- Organic Virgin Coconut oil at Trader Joe’s is $5.99. That’s right. Friggin $5.99.
- Smells like coconut, NATURALLY. None of those gross and overdone added scents.
- It’s just coconut, pure and simple. It wasn’t rubbed into a bunny rabbit’s eyes because IT DIDN’T NEED TO BE! It’s pure and good and clean.
- Unlike shitty “hair masks” there are a zillion other things you can do with coconut oil. Check some out here!
Now go get yourself a lube job and let me know how it turns out!