Look at that face, those cheeks, those eyes. That’s Zeke. He’s my dude. He makes me smile, giggle, cry, pull my hair, gain wrinkles and lose my goddamn mind. I don’t want to hurt him and I don’t want him to hurt anyone (although my forehead has permanent dents in it from smashing it against the wall in frustration). Sure, he can be an jerk. After all he’s 3 years old now and male. Regardless, I want to raise him to believe in kindness and compassion and to have faith that he can make a positive impact while he’s on this shitty planet. For us, that means living a cruelty free lifestyle. I don’t want him to think wearing fur is okay (and not just because a dude wearing fur is a freakin’ weird visual), or that his penis will grow an inch if he shoots a deer in the head, or even that sweat shops are just the slang term for saunas. No. Screw that. He needs to be a responsible human being who cares about how his actions affect others. We all know the earth is going to hell in a hand basket. The least we can do is make sure the hand basket is made of organic materials that weren’t home to a troop of endangered something or others. Oh, and of course it has to be FAAAAABUUUULOUS!!!