What is with these kids and the amount of time it takes to feed them in the morning? Jesus, Mother Mary and Joseph. I can drink my pony keg of coffee, run 5 miles (okay, run/walk 3), shower, put my face on and get all glammed up for my super important job in the same amount of time it takes my kid to eat HALF a bowl of effing cereal. DUDE! I’m in a hurry! Peeps be waiting on my ass.
Well, I have found a solution to my breakfast problem. Z-bars! It’s like they were made for Z-eke. He loves these things. He chokes ’em down like they were the last beer on Super Bowl Sunday. Seriously, try to pry the thing out of his chubby fingers. Ain’t gonna happen. And this is fantastic for me because Z bars are awesome. Wanna know why? Good, cuz I’m gonna tell you. Drum roll please…..
Tiff’s Top Ten reasons:
1. Grab ’em and go. No waiting around while the kid eats one Cheerio at a time.
2. No high fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavors or colors. Yuck. Who needs that crap anyway? And helllooooo…why does kids’ food always have to be pink or blue or some fake-ass color? Just keep it realz.
3. No preservatives. Do you really want your angel eating something that could survive Hiroshima?
4. 95% organic. Close enough for me.
5. They taste hellsa good! I dig ’em too!
6. Cheap! Dude, they go for .69 cents at Trader Joe’s. .69 friggin cents! It is awesome to know I could lift my couch cushion and feed my child with the change I find.
7. The flavors! You have 7 to chose from. You gots your Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Iced Oatmeal, you get the picture. I dare you to not find one you like. DARE YOU.
8. Clif Bar & Company, parent company to Z bars, is committed to being environmentally friendly in every area of their business. They have a goal of becoming 90% Zero Waste by 2015. That means no Z bar wrappers in the landfills. Oh, and get this. They are in the process of converting their entire office to being solar powered! WHAAAAT? Who does that? Oh yeah, responsible businesses who give a shit about the world. Holla!
9. Vegan. Big props always for vegan food.
10. The kid likes them! Buy ’em by the case. Maybe that should be number one.