Lately, beauty bloggers have been abuzz about a proposal that would REQUIRE cosmetics to be tested on animals in the U.S. (Companies are NOT currently required to do this and using animals is COMPLETELY unnecessary. You can read my previous blog about that here.) This is not a new proposal, it’s existed for years. It has resurfaced because there was a paper published in a peer reviewed scientific journal that details the costs and number of animals that will be killed if this legislation is passed. Fun thing to read, huh?
There hasn’t been any actual progress or changes to the bill, but Leaping Bunny published a press release summarizing the results of the paper, and it spread like wildfire on social media.
PETA has been working behind the scenes since the inception of the proposal. Here is an alert they have had up since last year. When you sign it, the provided letter will be sent to your Congressperson (based on zip code), the Personal Care Products Council, The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and one of the representatives that sponsors the bill.
Similarly, here is a petition to add your name to. All the work has been done for you. Just add your name to the dang things.
Remember, power in number. Can I get an Amen?