Sometimes I wish I lived in the 50’s. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I have equal rights and so many liberties but I love a traditional man. I want a man who will check my oil without me having to ask. I want the air pressure in my tires to always be perfect. I don’t want to have to get on a ladder, know the names of different wrenches or make sure every door in the house is locked at bedtime. Sure, I am capable of doing that stuff but I don’t always want to.
Sure, the lines will blur occasionally. He will cook dinner for me and I’ll dump the drano in the sink. But I never want to be scared that my car will break down. I don’t want dirt under my fingernails. I don’t want to throw my back out dragging the garbage cans in.
In return you know what I will do? Everything I already do! I’ll wash the dishes, feed the kid, do the laundry, have the house ready to receive and even take one for the team when I’m not in the mood. I will be honored to learn how to cook your favorite meal (or at least try). I WANT to pack Zeke’s lunch and host his birthday party. I even want to go to your boring work parties and stand on your arm looking pretty.
Never forget that I am a woman, your woman. Rub my shoulders, kiss me on my neck, tell me I’m beautiful because I am, not because you want to get me in bed.
These desires don’t make me any less important than a man. I still have strong opinions and will voice them whenever I want. I’ll still bring in a paycheck and it may even be bigger than yours. And yes, I’ll tell you to go to hell if you deserve it.
I love being a woman and I love a manly man! If that puts me on Gloria Steinam’s shit list, so be it. I’ll be too busy to notice.