So, I’m a little late getting started. Wouldn’t be the first time. And speaking of… Happy 4th Birthday to Zekey! This time it’s harmless. The 2013 Vegan Mofo (Vegan Month of Food) started on September 1st. It’s a challenge in which … Continue reading
Category Archives: uncategorized

Remember a couple of years ago when this picture of actress Helen Mirren surfaced? Hot damn! She’s 67 friggin years old! Badass Mirren is back in the news. I just read an article where she says that if she had a daughter … Continue reading
Arts and crap fairs aren’t really my thing. I loathe walking up to a table to check out a creepy doll dressed as Santa and getting eye-guilted when I walk away without him. That’s why I worship Etsy. I swear to God, … Continue reading

Not only is my mom is here babysitting Zekey because his childcare lady took a 6 week vacay (6 MOTHER-GRABBIN’ WEEKS), but she will also cook anything I want! And if you know me you know I ain’t asking her to steam some vegetables. No, … Continue reading

Truth be told, there are lots of crappy dads out there. I had one and I was worried that as soon as Zeke’s dad and I split I would be a part of the ever increasing problem of single moms raising … Continue reading
I shit you not. This STUNNING video is floating around and I must share it with everyone. I don’t even get into videos on youtube and certainly not ones of kids I don’t know (I don’t even like watching ones … Continue reading

It’s World Week for Animals in Labs and I’m sure you already know that some evil cosmetic companies still slather chemicals into bunnies’ eyeballs to determine if their product will cause a bad reaction (because that seems like the obvious … Continue reading

Springtime is among us. Birds are singing, flowers are bloomings, I’m dusting off my VHS copy of Buns of Steele and water parks and aquariums everywhere are unloading containers of marine mammals. Whaaaaaat? Yeah, that’s right. CONTAINERS-transport vesicles-the same things that move … Continue reading

My hair is a mess. I color it, blowdry it, straighten it and it always looks like I put it through a paper shredder. I don’t like super perfume-y products and it seems like the hair industry has gone totally overboard … Continue reading

Look at that face, those cheeks, those eyes. That’s Zeke. He’s my dude. He makes me smile, giggle, cry, pull my hair, gain wrinkles and lose my goddamn mind. I don’t want to hurt him and I don’t want him … Continue reading