. Whenever I am at the grocery with my 6-year-old son I take him to the meat department and point out the severed pieces of animals. Unlike some vegetarian or vegan kids, Zeke hasn’t easily made the connection that the … Continue reading
. Whenever I am at the grocery with my 6-year-old son I take him to the meat department and point out the severed pieces of animals. Unlike some vegetarian or vegan kids, Zeke hasn’t easily made the connection that the … Continue reading
All animal suffering sucks but for some of us certain issues or individuals resonate more than others. For me, it’s Lolita, “The World’s Loneliest Orca.” If you’ve seen Blackfish (if you haven’t, click that X in the upper right corner … Continue reading
Dear Mom, Like so many moms, you did the job of both parents. You are the one who bought toothpaste, toilet paper, and school supplies. You arranged for play dates, hosted slumber parties, baked every birthday cake I ever had, … Continue reading
Why do we work so hard to end a child’s innate compassion? Kids aren’t born wanting to eat animals, wear fur, watch donkey basketball games, and see dolphins do stupid tricks. We teach them that those things are okay, necessary even. … Continue reading
Parenting is no joke. My mind never rests from the fear that I am not doing a good enough job, like EVER. I’ll go from believing that if there is a hole in one of Zeke’s socks and people will … Continue reading
Zeke is so excited that he doesn’t eat animals. He loves to tell everyone, “I’m a vegetarian” whether the conversation has anything to do with what he eats or not. For the record, he is 99% vegan with me and … Continue reading
Because I’m on a sugar high that has lasted about a good solid month now (I’m pretty out of control actually), I’ve decided to go cold Tofurky and cut it out for at least a couple weeks, STARTING TOMORROW! Guess … Continue reading
We are a garbage society. Buy something, use it, upgrade or replace, and toss it. In 2009 it was reported that the US consumes 1500 plastic bottles PER SECOND. MY.F’N. GOD. Have you ever thought about where that stuff goes? … Continue reading
It’s Tuesday, Suckas. Ready for another 7 day challenge? I had some people running their mouth last week about doing this and that and that and this. Where are you? Do you have your challenge dialed in? If you … Continue reading
I’m tired of my crap life. All I do is think of things I want to do, plan to do them, and then fail to even start. I swear to god I am about to quit writing this. That’s how … Continue reading