Parenting is no joke. My mind never rests from the fear that I am not doing a good enough job, like EVER. I’ll go from believing that if there is a hole in one of Zeke’s socks and people will … Continue reading
Parenting is no joke. My mind never rests from the fear that I am not doing a good enough job, like EVER. I’ll go from believing that if there is a hole in one of Zeke’s socks and people will … Continue reading
Zeke is so excited that he doesn’t eat animals. He loves to tell everyone, “I’m a vegetarian” whether the conversation has anything to do with what he eats or not. For the record, he is 99% vegan with me and … Continue reading
We are a garbage society. Buy something, use it, upgrade or replace, and toss it. In 2009 it was reported that the US consumes 1500 plastic bottles PER SECOND. MY.F’N. GOD. Have you ever thought about where that stuff goes? … Continue reading
Lasagna with Roasted Cauliflower Ricotta & Spinach This lasagna, adapted from Isa Chandra’s “Appetite for Reduction” is the best thing in the world-and I’ve NEVER said that :). But for sers, it’s delicious. It’s my Rocket Queen, My Michelle, … Continue reading
So I’m wandering around by myself at the Natural Products Expo last weekend and everyone and their mother is passing out food samples. Most of the vegan eats I tried were of the savory variety but my sweet tooth is … Continue reading
Me in the kitchen is like Oprah on a diet. I’ll go for it sometimes but it’s usually a disaster. Of course there are those rare occasions when we are both met with “aha moments” and reach our fullest potential, as … Continue reading
Mine are big. Always have been. Even with the help of Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, Dexatrim-you name it, I’ve tried them all- they’ve never dropped below a C. I’ve always disliked them and as I get older their reluctance to … Continue reading
And you know what that means…chugging down chunks of sturgeon bladder and bits of horse hooves. Whaaaat? Reeeeewind. Yup. Apparently not all wine is cruelty free. I know what you’re thinking. What the hell is she talking about? Hold up. … Continue reading
What is with these kids and the amount of time it takes to feed them in the morning? Jesus, Mother Mary and Joseph. I can drink my pony keg of coffee, run 5 miles (okay, run/walk 3), shower, put my … Continue reading