Homegirls, and homeboys-no judgement here- have you heard of Beyond Skin? No, it’s not a condom company. Dang, people! Beyond Skin is an all vegan shoe line based out of the UK, and boy have they got some stunners. It’s like I finally got my Louboutin’s and I didn’t have to trash my morals to get ’em!
I have the Lucy, which is one of their less expensive styles. Here I am wearing them while rushing off to my next important board meeting.
I ain’t gonna lie, if you’re on the dole, Beyond Skin shoes probably aren’t for you. But, if you have a little money to spend (or a credit card-Go America!) their shoes are totally worth it. They are beautifully made with gorgeous and unique styles, and all are free of the skin of another being. Ew. That’s gross when you stop and think about it. People walk around with a dead animal’s skin on their feet. We humans are so bizarre.
They came in the cutest pink box (sorry for the glare) with this heartwarming tag inside.
I loved that! It was so sweet and made me feel all tingly inside.
You must check out their current collection. I’m personally saving up to stuff my hooves into the Portia. She’s a beaut.
Take note: They run a tiny bit on the small side. I normally hold steady at a 9.5 but I wish I had gotten a size 10. When I wear my Lucy, I feel like I’m an ancient Chinese woman who is binding her feet. But I don’t care! Looking stylish is always worth the pain. Happy shopping!