It’s World Week for Animals in Labs and I’m sure you already know that some evil cosmetic companies still slather chemicals into bunnies’ eyeballs to determine if their product will cause a bad reaction (because that seems like the obvious way to see if my lashes will look plumper and longer).
Newsflash: Rabbits don’t even blink you jerks!
I’ve put together this list of common Q & A’s for y’all because I know this shizzy ain’t always eazzy.
Here goes:
1. What is the law in U.S.? The FDA is responsible for the safety of cosmetics. They DO NOT require testing on animals. They simply urge companies to make the safest possible products. Again, testing cosmetics on animals is NOT required by law in the United States.
2. If companies that DON’T rub shit on animals exist, why do the some companies continue to do it? A couple of reasons. First, they have a system in place and it would cost money to overhaul it (oh whatever-they can afford it). Second, there is a widespread false belief that testing on animals will provide the most accurate results. Therefore if a lawsuit does occur, the company can pull the, “We did every test possible to ensure consumer safety, including burn the shit out of a rabbit’s back.It’s the consumers fault, not ours.”
Horseshit. Penicillin kills guinea pigs, aspirin causes birth defects in monkeys and morphine will stimulate a cat and a horse. We are all physiologically different. Ain’t no telling what’s gonna happen!
3. Is it necessary? Uh, no. Again, some companies DON’T test on animals so obviously it isn’t. Here are a bunch of alternatives to animal testing you may want to peruse in your down time.
4. What’s the deal with China? If you want to sell your cosmetics in China you are required by Chinese law to test it on animals. Money talks so most companies will still sell there but some ethical innovators like Paul Mitchell gave ’em the bird and took the financial hit. Good job Paul! Here is a current list of other companies that DON’T test on animals.
5. I read that the European Union just banned animal-tested cosmetics. Now I’m really confused. Here’s an interesting twist. In early March, the EU put into place a ban on all cosmetics that have been tested on animals. BAM. Done. Shit that’s on the shelf now won’t be pulled but nothing new is allowed in. So China won’t let anything out without testing on animals first and the European Union won’t let anything in that has been tested on animals. L’Oreal, a big ass animal tester, has its headquarters in France but is produced in China. I guess if you work for L’Oreal in France you’ll never know what your products are like! Suckas. Hats off to the EU for setting a precedent.
Yippee! I’m cute and alive and happy!!
6. Some companies, like Tom’s of Maine say they don’t test on animals but Unilever owns them and they DO test on animals. I’m so confused. Am I allowed to buy Tom’s or what? This is gonna be a personal call. Tom’s is its own organization and their products aren’t tested on animals. Unilever bought them. Unilever owns plenty of companies that DO test on animals. Some people are of the opinion that buying Tom’s is a good thing and shows Unilever that cruelty-free companies are able to do really well, financially. Others say hellz no and don’t want Unilever to have any of their money. In a pinch, I say Tom’s is okay but I don’t really dig the idea that they sold to an evil empire. Plus, there are soooo many products on the market. We don’t need to buy anything related to animal-testing at all. Here’s a list of the evil-doers. Make the call yo damn self.
Take home point is this: Animal testing for cosmetics is fucking TORTURE and it isn’t necessary by law and proves jack-shit scientifically.
If nothing else, stay away from these peeps:
- Clorox
- Johnson & Johnson
- Proctor and Gamble
- S.C. Johnson
- Unilever
I hope this helps. I’m off to wash my face with lavender twigs and creek water now. G’night.